Sicilian cheese throwing game thrills Italian town


A centuries old tradition of cheese-throwing has brought excitement to the town of Novara di Sicilia as its residents both young and old trooped out en masse to participate in the game.

The event known as the ‘Maiorchino tournament’ gets its name from the specific type of cheese produced in the area which is used in the games and typically takes place on carnival afternoons. 

The game itself involves teams of two or three players who take turns rolling a hefty 10-12kg cheese wheel as far as possible along a designated path of about two kilometres using a 3-3.5 metre long rope. 

The team who throws the cheese the furthest is declared the winner with the cheese itself as the grand prize. 

Nino Sofia, an 85 year old resident and the oldest participant has joined the game every year since 1965 and expressed his excitement at being a part of it yet again. 

“It's a happy thing, an old thing that reminds me of when I used to play with the old people. Now some more young people like the game, in fact, I am the oldest among the elderly." he says.

The game is believed to have originated in the early 17th century when road-building in the town of Novara di Sicilia created the open spaces necessary for play. 

Despite its long history, the unpredictable nature of the game, where the cheese can veer off into side alleys or get stuck in ditches, keeps the excitement levels high and adds an unexpected twist to the festivities.

The event typically ends with the tasting of local produce which of course includes the Maiorchino cheese. 


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