White House: Student loans and Pell grants will still be run by Department of Education


The White House has confirmed that the Department of Education will continue to manage student loans and Pell Grants, ensuring ongoing stability and support for millions of students relying on federal financial aid.

The White House has reaffirmed that the Department of Education will continue overseeing student loans and Pell Grants. This decision ensures stability and efficiency in managing federal financial aid programs vital to students' access to education.

Despite ongoing debates over student debt, the administration maintains that keeping these programs under the Department of Education will streamline processes and support borrowers effectively. Pell Grants, which assist low-income students, and federal student loans will remain central to the government's efforts to make education more affordable.

This move aims to reduce confusion, improve service, and provide clearer access to financial aid for millions of students. While discussions on debt relief continue, this decision reinforces the importance of a stable financial aid system for education.


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