Dense fog and cold weather caused significant travel disruptions in northern India, including New Delhi, on Wednesday. Over 40 trains were delayed, flights faced challenges due to poor visibility, and Delhi's air quality worsened, ranking as the world's most polluted city.
Dense fog and cold weather disrupted train and flight schedules across northern India, including New Delhi, on Wednesday.
India's weather office issued an orange alert for Delhi, predicting dense to very dense fog in many areas. Visibility at Delhi's main airport ranged from zero to 100 metres, causing delays for flights without CAT III navigation systems, which assist with low-visibility landings. Over 40 trains were also delayed due to the fog.
Images showed vehicles moving slowly on foggy highways, while residents stayed indoors as temperatures dropped to 7°C. Delhi, battling poor air quality and smog since winter began, was ranked the world's most polluted city on Wednesday by Swiss group IQAir, with a "very unhealthy" reading of 254.
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