North Korea fires ballistic missile amid US Secretary of state’s visit to Seoul


North Korea fired a ballistic missile on January 6, marking its first test in two months. The launch occurred during US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Seoul, raising tensions amid ongoing regional concerns.

North Korea fired a ballistic missile on January 6, launching it into the sea off its east coast, according to South Korea's military. Japan's coast guard also reported the missile launch, suggesting it was a potential ballistic missile. This marked the first such test by North Korea in about two months, heightening regional tensions.

The missile launch came at a particularly sensitive time, coinciding with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Seoul. 

North Korea has conducted several missile tests in recent years, despite international calls for denuclearization. The country’s missile program has been a central issue in ongoing diplomatic efforts to stabilize the region.


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