UK government to plant first national forest in 30 years


A new national forest stretching from the Cotswolds to the Mendips is set to be created, the UK government has announced. 20 million trees set to be planted across the West of England in the coming decades, creating at least 2,500 hectares of new woodland.

The UK government committed to create three new national forests and today’s announcement is a significant first step. The forest will serve over 2.5 million residents, bringing trees and woodlands closer to where people live, including in urban centres such as Bristol, Gloucester and Swindon.

The Western Forest initiative will be led by the Forest of Avon, one of England’s Community Forests, with up to £7.5 million in government funding over five years to accelerate local tree-planting efforts. The project aims to restore existing woodlands and vital habitats, establishing a large-scale forest network for both people and wildlife.

This new national forest will contribute to the UK’s net-zero goals while fostering economic growth and job creation in Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, and the West of England, aligning with the Government’s Plan for Change. Additionally, it will support key environmental commitments, including halting species decline and protecting 30% of land for nature by 2030.

The National Forest Company, who manage the National Forest, will provide expertise and mentorship to the Western Forest project team. 

This initiative builds on the success of the National Forest in the Midlands, where planting more than 9.8 million trees has transformed the landscape, benefitting wildlife, communities and the economy.

“The Western Forest was selected because of its ability to demonstrate a similar scale of ambition, with trees and woods supporting growth and farming while enhancing nature’s recovery and access to green space,” - said National Forest Chief Executive John Everitt OBE.

By 2030, the Western Forest (WF) aims to create at least 2500 hectares of woodland and other tree habitats across five strategic priority areas, contributing to the delivery of the Government’s statutory tree & woodland cover target to increase tree & woodland cover to 16.5% of England by 2050. 

With over 73% of the new national forest’s land use being agricultural, the Western Forest creates a huge opportunity to support farmers across the region to integrate trees into the farmed landscape through agroforestry and farm woodlands. These tree habitats can regenerate the soil and improve resilience to flooding and drought delivering multiple environmental, economic, and social benefits, without compromising food production, supporting the Government’s Land Use Framework.


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