‘Iron Man’ exoskeleton helps Paraplegics to walk built by South Korean Institution


The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology's goal is to help people with paraplegics walk and live their daily lives.

South Korean researchers have developed a lightweight wearable robot gear that helps patients walk straight, maneuver obstacles, and climb staircases.

Park Jeong-su, a KAIST team member, said his inspiration comes from the movie "Iron Man". "After watching Iron Man, I thought it would be great if I could help people with a robot in real life."- He said.

The robot is installed with sensors on its soles, the upper body monitors 1,000 signals per second and senses the user's sudden movements.

Kim Seung-hwan won the gold medal in the exoskeleton category at Cybathlon 2024 while wearing the WalkON Suit F1, an event showcasing assistive robots for individuals with physical disabilities.

"I wanted to tell my son .... that I also used to walk. I wanted to share a diverse range of experiences with him," said Kim.


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