World goes dark in commemoration of 'Earth hour'


The Sydney opera house, and other iconic national monuments round the world turned off their lights at 8:30pm local time to commemorate earth hour.

The Sydney Harbour bridge, another Australian monument, also turned off its light to mark the same occasion.

Earth hour is a yearly global ceremony where everyone is encouraged to turn off their lights for an hour to demonstrate their concern about climate change.

The initiative was created in 2007 by the World Wildlife fund, a charity, to highlight the impact of climate change and lack of environmental protection. 

In the same year, over 2 million people and  2,000 businesses in Sydney, Australia switched off their lights for one hour, thus beginning the movement.

It also looks to illustrate how much effect just one hour of no energy consumption can have on the climate in general.

More than turning off lights, people are also encouraged to volunteer an hour of their time doing good and raising awareness for the planet 

Since its inauguration, up to one hundred and ninety countries worldwide now participate in the annual event which takes place every 22nd of March. 

So far cities like Tokyo, Bangkok, Mumbai have taken part in Earth hour 2025 with the United Kingdom set to join in later in the day. 



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