COP29: UK's Starmer sets out new 2035 climate goal


UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledges to cut emissions by 81% by 2035, committing to an ambitious climate goal at COP29 in Baku, aiming to strengthen Britain’s climate leadership.

BAKU, Nov 12 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Keir Starmer saidBritain would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 81% by 2035 as he committed the country to a more ambitious climate goal at the United Nations COP29 climate summit.

The new goal is in line with a recommendation from a committee of climate adviserswho said last month the target should exceed the current 78% cut to emissions, measured against 1990 levels.

"At this COP, I was pleased to announce that we're building on our reputation as a climate leader, with the UK's 2035 NDC (nationally determined contributions) target to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions by at least 81% on 1990 levels," Starmer told a press conference at the climate gathering in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Starmer said the British public would not be burdened because of the new target, which excludes international aviation and shipping emissions.

"What we're not going to do, is start telling people how to live their lives. We're not going to start dictating to people what they do," he said.


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