
Two russian regions block Telegram over security concerns

Authorities in Russia’s Dagestan and Chechnya regions have blocked access to the Telegram messaging app over concerns it could be used by hostile groups, according to regional officials quoted by the TASS state news agency.

"Satellite Battle"

"Italy's league favors Starlink over Eutelsat in satellite talks"

Italy’s League party urges the government to favour Starlink over French-led Eutelsat for satellite communication systems, citing Starlink's technological edge. The push comes amid delays in the EU’s IRIS² program, as Italy seeks secure communication solutions for officials.


Nvidia, Broadcom test chips on Intel’s 18A process in early evaluation

Chip designers Nvidia and Broadcom are conducting manufacturing tests using Intel’s advanced 18A process, according to sources familiar with the matter. The tests are part of an effort by both companies to evaluate whether Intel’s technology can meet the demanding requirements for advanced artificia